JAPANMAX, a name synonymous with Kyokuyo, is a container carrier standard design with gross tonnage less than 10,000tons. We have built about 40 units of JAPANMAX to date, with strong support from customers in Japan and other East Asian countries such as China, South Korea and Taiwan.
This ship, TS KOBE, is the third in a series of four vessels ordered by TS LINES of Taiwan, and was delivered in July 2020. TS KOBE is based on our standard gearless JAPANMAX design, but has been equipped with a SOx scrubber, exhaust gas cleaning system, in accordance with the latest SOx regulations of MARPOL. The container carrier has a dual NK/CR class.
8-7, Chofu Minatomachi, Shimonoseki, 752-0953 Yamaguchi, Japan
© 2002-2025, Kyokuyo Shipyard Corporation