July 13, 2006 was the day of the naming and delivery ceremony for S465, 8th vessel among the series of container carriers ordered by our close and important client, SITC Maritime (Group) Co., Ltd. of Qingdao, China.
This time, 30 guests, headed by Mr. Yang Xianxiang, president of SITC, came from China to our shipyard to celebrate the ship. The ceremonies started at 9:30 in the morning with document signing, and S465 was named "SITC NAGOYA" by Mr. Yang during naming ceremony that took place onboard. After series of events the 8th vessel was delivered to the owner.
In the reception started at noon, the same day, we have 2 extra guests from the government of Shimonoseki City : Mr. Kiyoshi Ejima, mayor, and Mr. Toshihiko Nakano, Director General of the city's Port & Harbor Bureau - both of the 2 gentlemen also joined "Kagamiwari", together with Mr. Yang.
In the speech, Mr. Ejima expressed his gratitude to Mr. Yang and people at SITC for their contribution to bilateral exchange between China and Japan through fine-tuned logistic services. The mayor also said he was feeling happy about and proud of SITC's great appreciation to the company based on Shimonoseki (Kyokuyo, in short). Mr. Ejima finished his impressive speech, wishing the owner's further success, the ship's safe navigation, and an everlasting good relation of mutual trust between SITC and Kyokuyo.
When the feast was in full swing, the star of the day took center stage. Through the panoramic window of the reception hall, all of us witnessed that SITC NAGOYA just started to make her own way, by jauntily gliding on the water of Kanmon Channel. Needless to say that every attendance wished the best luck to her!