A feature article titled "Focusing on the GLOBAL NICHE - This is how Kyokuyo lives" appeared in the May 2022 issue of the COMPASS, a bimonthly magazine published by Kaiji Press.

Let me briefly introduce its subtitles and contents.
- "Shimonoseki, a Shipbuilding Town", the first section, describes the history of the company ;
- "Live in the Niche Market" outlines our niche strategy and our abilities to respond to small-lot orders ;
- "Builders of Challenging Ships" section provides examples of past and future challenges of producing technically difficult ships to build ;
- in "Respond to International Inquiries" the writer introduces Kyokuyo's efforts and capabilities to take part in international projects as well as its future outlook for the ship repair business ;
- "Increase the Ratio of Permanent Employees" summarizes the company's policy ot maintaining stable construction system and competitiveness by increasing the ratio of regular workers, rather than temporary/contract workforce ; and
- "Employ a wide variety of people" focuses on Kyokuyo's willingness to employ foreign and/or skilled mid-career workers.
And finally, an interview with the Kyokuyo's President, Katsuhiko Ochi, is included.
The article was written by Mr. Tsushima, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Kaiji Press. He added his insights and analysis from a journalist's point of view to the content of the recent of the briefing session we held for our business partners.
I think it is an excellent article that speaks clearly about our company's actual situation and direction.
You can view the whole article in the PDF below. Why not taking a look (if you understand Japanese) ?