They are planning to post a series of "Employee Interviews" to attract young people to think "Maybe I could work in a shipyard in the future?" and asked us to nominate one of our employees to be the glorious first person to be featured.
We selected Sou, who joined us last April and is now working in the Fundamental Design Department of the Hull Design Division from among many candidates. He was recently interviewed by the editorial staff of the CAJS.

The one-hour long interview started with the reasons for choosing the shipbuilding industry, and went on to cover a wide range of topics, including workday routines, how he spends his breaks, the challenges and difficulties of the job, stories of failure, his personal life, etc. etc.
Now, the contents of this interesting interview (in Japanese only - sorry) has just been published in detail on "note" (a Japanese media platform for posting text articles which may contain images, sounds and videos). The content is also briefly introduced on Instagram and Twitter - Why not take a peek!?