3 Months after her naming, as reported in NEWS179, the gas carrier m.t. "ECO CHIOS" was completed on schedule.
Attending in the delivery ceremony of June 4, 2014, on behalf of the orderer, Intergalactic Investments Inc. were Mr. Michas (site manager) and Mr. Kokkalakis (hull supervisor).
We were lucky enough that the driving rain and stormy wind stopped just before the delivery, despite the Meteorological Agency's official announcement of start of the rainy season being made on the same day. As the master and crew members were all very cheerful, the ceremony was done in a very joyous mood, full of laughter, smiles and... shutter sounds!
With everything well done, Mr. Michas and Mr. Kokkalakis, who had been staying at Shimonoseki for long time supervising the vessels' construction process, were scheduled to depart on the next day. We then invited them for dinner, to thank the superintendents for their fair, professional and friendly attitude throughout the period.
We wish all the best and safe navigation for ECO CHIOS. We are also looking forward to starting the construction of the 3rd ship for the same owner group!