What is this certification system? What is for?
This new system certifies and provides support for the following plans :
- [In the field of shipbuilding and marine equipment] Productivity improvement plans and business restructuring plans prepared by shipbuilders and equipment makers ;
- [in the field of maritime transport] Plans for the introduction of advanced ships (ships that meet the certain requirements for environmental load reduction, safety, and labor saving) prepared jointly by shipowners and shipbuilders.
The objective is to create a virtuous cycle in the maritime industry through these comprehensive measures that affect both the supply side (shipbuilders) and the demand side (shipping companies).
What does receiving this certification mean to Kyokuyo?
First, we will be able to receive long-term, low-interest loans from the Government-owned Japan Finance Corporation and other financial institutions ; up to 50% reduction in registration taxes for company establishment, mergers, real estate transactions for the purposes of business restructuring ; and further subsidy support if we meet additional requirements.
The shipping companies will, by obtaining the above-mentioned certification for the advanced ship introduction plan, be able to take advantage of various support measures when building ships with us. The benefits include :
- long-term, low-interest loans from the Government-owned Japan Finance Corporation and other institutions ;
- reduction of property tax and special depreciation as special provisions of the ocean-going ship taxation system ; and
- Reduced interest rates under the Japan Railway and Transport Organization's (JRTT) joint-owning scheme.
I think you can see that this system is beneficial to shipping companies as well as to Kyokuyo!

SSS-bowed Container Ship for Imoto Lines, Inc. Currently under Construction
What is the content of our certified plan?
Finally, what is our now certified "productivity improvement plans and business restructuring plans" to strengthen our business base? This is what it says : we will work to increase the size of jib cranes and improve the efficiency of transporting hull blocks and outfitting parts, thereby reducing man-hours, shortening processes, and cutting power costs, which will improve productivity in the construction of environmentally friendly ships and make us more cost competitive.
In addition, Kyokuyo will contribute to energy saving in coastal transport by creating new products with high environmental performance while maintaining our ability to build a wide variety of ship types for which we are known world-wide.
Kyokuyo Shipyard Corporation will strive to further strengthen our business base and provide technically-advanced ships that meet the expectations of our customers and our society.