Time goes really fast these days, and it's October again. Yes, it's the month for "Kyokuyo Open", the golf game we hold annually to celebrate the anniversary of Kyokuyo's foundation 67 years ago. To thank our customers, suppliers, sub-contractors and other stakeholders, we invited no less than 144 players(!) to the most prestigious (and very difficult) course of the city, "Simonoseki Golf Club", on October 9.

Receiving many guests, organizing team tried to streamline the whole game process and practices, introducing 18 hole "through play" without lunch break. MC-Yamada didn't even allow prize winners to speak more than 1 minute in the after-game party. The result : everything was finished one hour before the expected time. Ah, you know we are now too much experienced with the streamlining!
The 2009 winner was Mr. Okano from Chugoku Paint Co., Ltd.. In his humorous speech (within 1 minute), he requested us to buy more Chugoku Paint products from the proud winner ! The best-gross prize went to Mr. Murakami of Kyokutoh Kohsan, who finished with an amazing score of 78. Considering the difficulty of the courses, it's nothing but terrific, if not unbelievable! The most applauded player, however, was Mr. Hirota, assistant chief of NC section in Kyokuyo's Design Department, who made the first ever hole-in-one in Kyokuyo Open's 49 years history!

At the end of the party, our president, Mr. Ochi made a speech. After expressing his gratitude to every stakeholders and reporting the current situations of and around Kyokuyo, the leader of the company declared his determination to ride out the rough seas, by steadily fulfilling the 3 objectives. Mr. Ochi closed his speech by asking the partners for deeper technical cooperation and continuous supply of parts and materials of stable quality. In 2010, Kyokuyo Open will reach its 50th anniversary. We have booked the same Shimonoseki Golf Club for October 8. Why don't you to try to score the 2nd ever hole-in-one next year?
