The first big event of 2010 at Kyokuyo was the naming and delivery ceremonies for S486 held on January 7. She is the second of 4 pure car carrier sisters of 16,000m2 that we are building by the order of Sumitomo Corporation for account of Gram Car Carriers AS of Norway.
This time we received 25 guests : Mr. Peter D. Gram, Chairman of Gram Car Carriers and Mr. Carl-Johan Hagman, CEO of her operator Höegh Autoliners, among others.
With signings and paper exchanges being done, everybody moved onboard the ship, where the ceremonies would take place, but it was so chilly outside that we couldn't stop shivering (we even had rare snow on that day). Needless to say that our guests from Scandinavia didn't seem to care at all!
The leading lady was Mrs. Yngvil Eriksson Aasheim, former executive vice president of the operator. Mrs. Eriksson Aashrim, dressed in beautiful traditional costume, elegantly performed the cord-cutting ceremony and gave the name of "HÖEGH CARIBIA" to the new ship.
After the ceremonies were finished, we offered amazake to the participants. Amazake is a "traditional sweet, low-alcoholic Japanese drink made from fermented rice" (wikipedia). As it was very good timing to try this special sake which could warm up the body from inside, the guests looked to enjoy it and told us this was a good idea !
Just like the previous case, the reception was held at a banquet room overlooking Kanmon Channel. After speeches, toast and "kagami-biraki", HÖEGH CARIBIA, on her maiden voyage, appeared on the scene below when the party was in full swing. We wished safe travels and all the best to CARIBIA.
With 2 ships delivered, there remain 2 more sisters to come. Kyokuyo will keep doing its best!