On June 30, 2010 took place the naming and delivery ceremony of S-488, 16,000m2 type car carrier, ordered by Sumitomo Corporation for Gram Car Carriers AS of Norway. She is the last of 4 sister vessels, which have given us an clear boost of self confidence for the future.

On the previous day, after we celebrated the eve by having a big dinner, the participants hastened to a sports bar. You ask why ? Because it's the World Cup period and 23:00 was kick-off time of Japan's round of 16 match against Paraguay ! Japanese and Norwegians then shouted in unison for our Samurai Blue and wooed and booed at every play ! Unfortunately our team could not advance to quarter-finals, but most of them could not sleep for excitement before 3:00 o'clock in the morning !
As S-488 is the final ship in the series, we had many guests like Mr. Peter D. Gram of Gram Car Carrier AS and his wife Ragnhild, the owner's partner Mr. Arne Blystad and his wife Marianne, and Mr. Kim Steimler and his wife Anne-Marie, Mr. Toshinori Morita, Senior Managing Executive officer of the operator "K" Line, and Makoto Yamaguchi, General Manager from Sumitomo Corp., to name a few.
On 30th, after the signing and paper exchanges, the guests moved to a berth where the ceremonies were carried out in front of the vessel. Upon elegant code-cutting by Ms. Tiril Marie Steimler, the ship was named "VIKING CONSTANZA", and signal guns were fired to celebrate the birth of the youngest sister. The guests were then invited onboard to explore inside the car carrier. At the lunch banquet, we and the guests once again gave a huge cheer together - but this time for Constanza on her maiden voyage.
On behalf of the company and our staffs, we would like to thank Gram Car Carriers AS and Sumitomo Corporations for giving us an opportunity to come back to PCC sector as well as the fairness and friendliness they showed throughout the new-building transactions. We wish safe and prosperous future for the 4 sisters, i.e. "VIKING ODESSA", "HÖEGH CARIBIA", "CITY OF OSLO" and "VIKING CONSTANZA".
