Imoto Lines, Ltd., as owner of the container ship "Natori", won the "Award for Development of Technology that Reduces the Environmental Impact for Logistic Operations" at the 17th Logistics Environment Awards, organized by Japan Association for Logistics and Transport (JALoT). "Natori" is the world's first container carrier equipped with Kyokuyo's globally patented "SSS-bow (Semi-Spherically-Shaped-bow)" that we delivered in last December to the shipowner. She is also the biggest coastal container feeder in Japan with the loading capacity of 540 TEU.

Logistic Environment Awards - Award Giving Ceremony Held on June 27, 2016
The Logistics Environment Awards is given to "the organizations, companies or individuals that contributed to healthy development of logistics in order to promote environmental preservation and enhance environmental awareness." The award committee recognized Natori's excellent energy-saving performance achieved by innovative technologies including SSS-b and high-efficiency propeller, as well as her contribution to the modal shift from road to sea as the unique large coastal feeder engaged in regular domestic service.

Award Plaque and Certificate

And, it is not the end of story. Natori was also named "Best Small Cargo Ship" Category winner for 2015 Ship of the Year Award! As the defending winner of the category (with a ship called Futaba - not Kyokuyo's product), Imoto Lines. Ltd. received the same award in 2 consecutive years - which doubled, or even tripled our joy!
At time of the delivery reception, Mr. Imoto told us that he chose the name "Natori" because he "wanted the name to imply fame or prominence, because Na-Tori could be interpreted literally as Na (name, fame) - Tori (get, acquire) in Japanese." We are really excited that the vessel is actually acquiring fame ! As the shipbuilder, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and congratulations to Imoto Lines, Ltd. and wish further success for Natori.