The team was formed in May 2016, during the welcome party for new employees of that year. Nothing happened though until May 2017, at time of the same welcome party for 2017 fresh persons, when the members suddenly remembered Blue Stars and their early passion was revived!

On top of the original members, we have now Masashi, who has been an active member of the National Fisheries University cutter team before starting his career at Kyokuyo this spring. Also joined the team, as playing manager, is Hiroshi Yoshida (at center in the photo below) Executive Corporate Officer, who has rowing experience when he was a student of National Defence Academy, euh.., several decades ago.
"Shimonoseki Cutter Race" is one of the 3 big sport events hosted by our home town, along with "Kanmon Strait Marathon" long-distance running race and "Tour de Shimonoseki" bicycle race. The boat race, open to the citizens, is held annually with the aim at revitalizing the city and promoting tourism and marine-related industries, among others. So it's quite natural for Kyokuyo, a shipbuilder doing business here for more than 7 decades, to take part in.
For the race, small cutter boats of 6m long, carrying a cox and a captain, will be rowed by 6 oars-persons. The race will be conducted on a 360m course (go and return of 180m) offshore between the Shimonoseki Fishing Port and Hikoshima Island. Tough competition is expected, as more than 60 teams are registered already. That's why the Blue Stars asked National Fisheries University cutter team members to support with the coaching and is doing intensive training (photos).
The event starts at 8:30 in the morning. You shouldn't miss the opening ceremony, where our team manager will have the honor of taking the oath of 'fair play' on behalf of all the participating athletes ! Please come along and support Kyokuyo Blue Stars ! [2017/08/09]