February 28, 2006 was a day of double happiness, because two ceremonies took place to commemorate the naming and delivery of S462 and the naming of S463, sister multi-purpose cargo vessels ordered by Carisbrooke Shipping Holding Limited.

They were celebrated by 40 guests, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Willem Wester, managing director of the England-based company, and their family, having travelled all the way to our place.
The eventful day started with the naming ceremony for S463. The 13,400tdw vessel was then named "AMY-C" after her sponsor Mrs. Amy Walker, mother of the company's chartering director, Mr. Ian Walker. A big cheer was raised when Mrs. Walker solemnly declared ship's name - to our delightful surprise - using Japanese language !
After taking commemorative photos with AMY-C, all the guests moved onboard S462 to attend her naming and delivery ceremony. The elder sister was christened "HELEEN-C" with a bottle of champagne by Mrs. Minka Ball, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willem Wester. The first name "Heleen" is the name of the mother of the godmother!

We are all pleased and honoured to have an opportunity to exert our expertise and skills to build ships for a company based on Great Britain, which has a long and outstanding history in shipbuilding and seaborne trade. We would like to thank people at Carisbrooke Shipping Holding Limited once again, and wish a prosperous future for each of AMY-C, HELEEN-C and 2 more sisters to come!